Guess the Number
What To Do
While you’re waiting for an appointment or riding in the car, tell your child you want them to guess the number you’re thinking. Start with numbers between 1 and 10, and start with simple clues. If you’re thinking of the number 6, you could say, “I’m thinking of the number that comes right after 5.” If your child gets that easily, you can provide different types of clues.
Example: If you are thinking of the number 6, you could give any of the following clues: “I’m thinking of a number that comes right before 7.” “I’m thinking of a number that is larger than 5 but smaller than 7.” “I’m thinking of a number that comes two numbers after 4.”
What To Know
Kids might be able to recite the counting sequence 1-10 but not yet be able to tell you that a certain number comes after (or is bigger than) another number. Encourage them to count starting from 1 if they are stuck: “If you are counting starting at 1, what is the next number you would say after 5?”
Moving On
When your child can easily identify numbers that come before or after another number without reciting the counting sequence, move on to a new activity.