Ordering Blocks
What You Need
Duplos, legos, or cubes that are the same size and connect together
What To Do
Make two towers using different numbers of blocks, such as one with 2 blocks and one with 4 blocks. Ask your child, “Which has more blocks?” After your child answers, count the blocks and explain, “Yes! This one only has 2 blocks, and this one has 4 blocks, so this one has more, because 4 is more than 2.”
Next make three or four towers that each have a different number of blocks, and ask your child to arrange them from least to most. Help them count and talk about how numbers relate to each other as you order them: “We will put this one with 2 blocks in the middle because it is more than 1 block and less than 3 blocks.”
What To Know
Use words like “most”, “least”, “more”, and “less” to talk about comparing the blocks.
Moving On
When your child is able to arrange the towers in order and use the same words (most, least, more, less) to talk about the towers, it may be time to move on.